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Written by Raine Streicher | May 20, 2024 8:22:21 PM

Here at CyberNINES, we can’t stress enough that prevention is the best defense against cyberattack. However, as the recent MITRE incident shows, even the most careful companies can be hacked. A recent TechRadar article (link here) offers effective steps you can take if that happens. The advice is worth reading—especially if you act on it BEFORE you’re in the stressful position of responding to a breach. The most pertinent takeaway is: Be prepared.

Prevention and preparedness are not quite the same thing, though both are vitally important. Prevention involves removing vulnerabilities from your systems and making them secure so that hackers can’t get in; CyberNINES offers many services designed to do just that.

Preparedness, on the other hand, means having a plan in place in case the worst happens despite your preventive measures, and CyberNINES can help with that too. One of the best ways to prepare for an attack is to have an incident response plan (IRP) in place and ready to activate if a breach occurs. This CyberNINES post offers helpful tips on creating such a plan, and we also offer a Basic Assessment service, which includes a review of your policies and procedures and offers suggestions for improvement. Once you have your plan in place, it’s essential that you put it through its paces on a regular basis. To that end, CyberNINES offers the Tabletop Exercise (TTX), which simulates a realistic incident that could affect your company and allows your key players and stakeholders to activate your IRP and discover what works versus what needs tightening up.

As always, feel free to contact a CyberNINES security expert with any of your questions on planning or prevention. Our mission is to protect your business!